Q1) Enzyme is a Greek word which means:

A) in virus

B) in bacteria

C) in fungi

D) in yeast

E) in humans

Q2) Who discovered that certain molecules of ribonucleic acid also function as enzymes?

A) Friedrich Wilhem Kuhne only

B) Friedrich and Thomas Cech

C) Thomas Cech only

D) Sidney Altman & Thomas Cech

E) Sidney Altman only

Q3) Molecule of ribonucleic acid which functions as enzymes are called:

A) Increase energy of activation of reaction

B) Maintain energy of activation of reaction

C) Lower down energy of activation of reaction

D) No effect on energy of activation of reaction

E) Highly increase energy of activation of reaction

Q5) Naturally, most of the enzymes are:

A) Proteins

B) Lipids

C) Carbohydrates

D) Vitamins

E) Nucleic acid

Q6) Regarding nature of enzymes, which one is correct?

A) They are inorganic catalyst.

B) Large quantities are required to bring a change in large amount of substrate.

C) They are non-specific in their nature but specific in their action.

D) They are specific both in their nature and action.

E) None of these.

Q7) Regarding enzyme molecule:

A) Greater in size than the substrate

B) Smaller in size than the substrate

C) Of the same size as substrate

D) No relation with substrate

E) They are not substrate specific

Q8) Enzyme molecules are:

A) Heat sensitive but not pH sensitive

B) pH-sensitive but not heat sensitive

C) Both pH and heat sensitive

D) neither pH nor heat sensitive

E) Chemically changed during and after the chemical reaction

Q9) Fischer in 1898 proposed:

A) Induce fit theory

B) Enzyme lock theory

C) Catalyst fit theory

D) Key-lock theory

E) Rejection fit theory

Q10) Koshland in 1959 proposed:

A) Induced fit theory

B) Enzyme lock theory

C) Catalyst fit theory

D) Key-lock theory

E) Rejection fit theory

Q11) Enzymes can:

A) React with acidic substances only as they are proteins.

B) React with alkaline substances only as they are proteins.

C) React with acidic and alkaline substances both.

D) No, react with acidic and alkaline substances they are proteins.

E) Partially react with acidic substances but not with alkaline substances.

Q12) Regarding nature of enzymes, which one of the following is correct?

A) Enzymes are modified lipids.

B) Simple enzyme consists of protein and non-protein part.

C) Conjugated enzyme consists of non-protein part.

D) Amylase is an enzyme which entirely consists of protein.

E) Amidase is an enzyme which entirely consists of proteins.

Q13) In case of conjugated enzymes, the proteins part is called:

A) Proenzyme

B) Apoenzyme

C) Protoenzyme

D) Proteino-enzyme

E) None of the above

Q14) In case of conjugated enzymes the non-protein part is called:

A) Prosthetic group

B) Apoenzyme

C) Prosthetic group

D) Holoenzymes

E) Proenzyme

Q15) Enzymes are classified into _____ classes:

A) Three

B) Four

C) Five

D) Six

E) Seven

Q16) Enzymes Oxidases and Peroxidases are included in class:

A) Hydrolases

B) Lyases

C) Oxidoreductases

D) Ligases

E) Transferases

Q17) Enzyme hydroxylase is included in class:

A) Hydrolases

B) Lyases

C) Transferases

D) Ligases

E) Oxidoreductases

Q18) Enzyme, Glycosidases is included in class:

A) Hydrolases

B) Lyases

C) Transferases

D) Ligases

E) Oxidoreductases

Q19) Class hydrolases include:

A) Oxidase

B) Hydroxylase

C) Epimerase

D) Dehydratase

E) Phosphatase

Q20 ) Synthetases are enzymes included in class:

A) Transferase

B) Hydrolases

C) Epimerase

D) Dehydrates

E) Phosphatase


  1. In yeast
  2. Sidney Altman & Thomas Cech
  3. Ribozymes
  4. Lower down energy of activation of reaction
  5. Proteins
  6. They are specific both in their nature and action.
  7. Greater in size than the substrate
  8. ‘Both pH and heat sensitive
  9. Key-lock theory
  10. Induce fit theory
  11. React with acidic and alkaline substance both.
  12. Amylase is an enzyme which entirely consists of protein.
  13. Apoenzyme
  14. Prosthetic group
  15. Six
  16. Oxidoreductases
  17. Oxidoreductases
  18. Hydrolases
  19. Phosphatase
  20. Ligase


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