Q1. Rules to explain “The phenomenon of inheritance of biological characteristics” was formulated by:

A) T.H.Morgan 

B) Gregor Johann Mendell

C) Rudolf Virchow

D) Bateson 

E) Lamark

Q2. Genetic research was activated and a revolution in modern biology occurred in the year:

A) 1951-53

B) 1961-63

C) 1971-73

D) 1975-71

E) 1981-83

Q3. Genetic engineering  usually utilizes cells and plasmids of:

A) Bacteria

B) Viruses

C) Algae

D) Fungi

E) Parasites

Q4. “rDNA” is:

A) Ribosomal DNA

B) Riorazion DNA

C) Resolution DNA

D) Regenerate DNA

E) Recombinant DNA

Q5. DNA molecule into which a gene is inserted to construct a recombinant DNA molecule is:

A) Activator 

B) Initiator 

C) Vector

D) Starter 

D) Accelerator 

Q6. Concerning “PLASMIDS”, which statment is correct:

A) They are small, chmmosomal circular DNA molecules.

B) They are found in some bacteria and viruses.

C) They can replicate independent of the host cell chromosome.

D) Plasmids do not carry any genes which are responsible for useful characteristies.

E) We cannot insert foreign (required) gene into plasmids to pre[are recombinant DNA molecules. 

Q7.  Enzymes which are required to cut a source DNA molecule into small pieces and to cut plasmid to make a gap where foreign DNA fits into it are:

A) DNA Ugase Enzyme 

B) Constructive Enzyme

C) Recombinant Enzyme 

D) Restriction Enzyme 

E) Regenerator Enzyme 

Q8. The enzyme used to seal the DNA is:

A) Restriction Enzyme 

B) Ligase 

C) Polymerases

D) Reductase

E) Regenerator Enzymes

Q9: The enzymes that act like scissors in recombinant DNA technology are:

A) Restriction Enzymes 

B) Ligase 

C) Polymerase 

D) Reductase

E) Regenerator Enzymes

Q10. Restriction Enzymes were disovered in:

A) 1940s

B) 1950s

C) 1960s

D) 1970s

E) 1980s

Q11. Each restriction enzyme cuts DNA at a specific site, called:

A) Cut ends 

B) Sticky ends

C) Ligating ends 

D) Recombination ends 

E) Gliding ends 

Q12. Now a days, insulin can be synthesized by genetically engineered bacteria:

A) Salmonella typhi 

B) Pseudomonas aurigonase 

C) Shigella sortnei 

D) Bacteriodes fragills 

E) Eschinchia Coli

Q13. An Organic compound used to make a sweetner by some genetically engineered bacteria is:

A) Phenyltryptamine 

B) Phenylanaline 

C) Ketone Bodies 

D) Diacylglycerol 

E) Peroxidase

Q14. The only plasmid for transgenic plant cells is:

A) Gr-plasmid 

B) Sc-plasmid 

C) Ti-plasmid 

D) Pr-plasmid 

E) Nc-plasmid

Q15) The First transgenic fruit approved is:

A) Water Melon 

B) Apple 

C) Mango 

D) Tomato 

E) Pomegranate

Q16. To increase the CO2 Fixation property, molecular scientists are working to enhance the efficiency of: 

A) Ribolose biphosphate 

B) Ribilose bicarbonate 

C) Ribulose bicitrate 

D) Ribulose bisuphate 

E) Ribulose reductase 

Q17. Human lactoferrin is a protein that is involved in ______ transport and has antibacterial activity.

A) Potassium 

B) Iron 

C) Sulphur 

D) Copper 

E) Calcium 

Q18. The synthesis of complementry DNA (cDNA) on mRNA template is the:

A) Reverse translation 

B) Dihybridization

C) Reverse transcription 

D) DNA ligation

E) DNA polymerization

Q19. In Eukaryotic gene cloning, the synthesis of cDNA on mRNA template is being catalyzed by an enzyme:

 A) DNA polymerase 

B) RNA polymerase 

C) DNA ligase 

D) Reverse polymerase 

E) Reverse transcriptase 

Q20: In Eukaryotic gene cloning, the synthesis of cDNA on mRNA is catalyzed by “Reverse transcriptase” obtained from:

A) Retroviruses

B) Reoviruses

C) Rhabdoviruses

D) Bunyaviruses

E) Paramyxovirus


  1. Gregor Johann Mendell
  2. 1971-73
  3. Bacteria
  4. Recombinant DNA
  5. Vector
  6. They can replicate independent of the host cell chromosome.
  7. Restriction Enzyme 
  8. Ligase 
  9. Restriction Enzymes 
  10. 1960s
  11. Sticky ends
  12. Eschinchia Coli
  13. Phenylanaline
  14. Ti-plasmid 
  15. Tomato
  16. Ribulose 
  17. Iron 
  18. Reverse transcription 
  19. Reverse transcriptase
  20. Retroviruses


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